Welcome to our Gallons per Square Foot Calculator, a handy tool for converting between square feet and gallons, particularly useful for projects like building a swimming pool or an aquarium. In this guide, we will delve into the fundamental conversions and address common questions. If you’re specifically interested in calculating paint requirements, check out our Paint Calculator.
What is a Gallon?
A gallon is a unit of volume widely used in the United States. For our purposes, we’ll focus on US gallons. There are three types in use: the Imperial gallon (UK gallon), the US gallon, and the US dry gallon. In this discussion, we’ll concentrate on the US gallon, denoted as USgal.
How Many Gallons in One Square Foot?
There are 7.48052 gallons in one cubic foot. To understand how many gallons are in one square foot, consider a cuboid with a base area 2Aft2 and a height Hft. The volume in gallons (VolinUSgal) for one square foot is given by 3H×7.48052USgal/ft3.
In summary, the volume in gallons per square foot depends on the object’s height and is calculated as 3H×7.48052USgal/ft3.
How Many Square Feet in a Gallon?
One US gallon equals 0.133681 cubic feet. Using this conversion rate, the volume in cubic feet (3Volinft3) for a given gallon is 3H×0.133681ft3.
Calculating Gallons of Water per Square Foot
For calculating the gallons of water (Volwater) in one square foot of a container with height H, use the formulaVolwater=H×7.48052, where 7.48052 is the conversion rate from cubic feet to gallons.
This concept is applicable to any liquid, not just water.
How to Use the Calculator
Our Gallon per Square Foot Calculator is user-friendly. To convert square feet to gallons or vice versa:
- Enter the base area in square feet.
- Input the height or depth of the container.
- The calculator will display the gallons per square foot and the volume in gallons.
For converting gallons to square feet, follow a similar process.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I convert 20 gallons to square feet?
To convert 20 gallons to square feet, multiply the container’s height in feet by 7.48052 and then divide 20 by the result.
How many gallons of water in a square foot?
It depends on the water’s height from the base. Use the formula �=�×7.48052G=H×7.48052 to calculate gallons of water per square foot.
How many gallons of water per square foot does the Mariana Trench have?
At its maximum known depth of 36,037 feet, the Mariana Trench has approximately 269,576 US gallons per square foot. This can be calculated by multiplying the depth by the conversion factor 7.48052.
How do you convert gallons per square foot to gallons per square meter?
To convert gallons per square foot to gallons per square meter, multiply the value by the conversion rate 10.7639.
Feel free to use our calculator and explore these conversions effortlessly.