In 1959, Martin Gardner, a renowned recreational mathematician, introduced the Boy or Girl Paradox in his Scientific American column. This paradox revolves around a family with two children of unknown genders and poses two seemingly simple questions. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this paradox, exploring its setup, assumptions, and the ambiguity in its answers.

The Two Fundamental Assumptions:

  1. A child can be either a boy or a girl.
  2. The probability of a child being a boy or a girl is equal.
  3. The gender of one child is independent of the gender of the other.

The Boy or Girl Paradox Questions:

Question 1: Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two children. The older one is a boy. What is the chance that the other one is a boy?

Answer 1: This question leads to a straightforward answer. Assuming equal probability of gender for each child, the chance of the younger child being a boy is 1/2.

Question 2: Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the chance that the other one is a boy?

Answer 2: This question, seemingly simple, introduces ambiguity. The common-sense answer might be 1/3, considering three possible scenarios (boy-boy, boy-girl, girl-boy). However, the answer is 1/2 when considering a conditional probability scenario using Bayes’ theorem.

Understanding the Ambiguity:

The ambiguity in Question 2 arises from how the question is framed. If the question is “Given that one of them is a boy, what’s the probability of both being boys?” the answer is 1/3. If the question is “What is the probability that the other kid is a boy if you know that one of them is a boy?” the answer is 1/2.

How to Use the Boy or Girl Paradox Calculator:

Explore the Boy or Girl Paradox interactively through our calculator. This tool highlights the importance of language in science. Experiment with different scenarios and witness how the question’s ambiguity can affect outcomes.


Gardner’s Boy or Girl Paradox exemplifies the critical role of precise question formulation in statistics. The seemingly innocent question opens doors to two possible answers, emphasizing the significance of clarity in scientific inquiry.


What is the Boy or Girl Paradox?

The Boy or Girl Paradox is a mathematical puzzle highlighting the impact of question formulation on statistical outcomes. It revolves around the probability of having two boys in a family with at least one boy, leading to two possible answers: 1/3 and 1/2.

How do you explain the Boy or Girl Paradox’s ambiguity?

The ambiguity stems from the question’s framing. Depending on whether you consider the family composition uncertain or focus solely on the known gender, the answer can be 1/3 or 1/2.

What’s the answer to the Boy or Girl Paradox?

The Boy or Girl Paradox has two potential answers: 1/3 if you lack information on the family’s composition, and 1/2 if you know one child is a boy, leaving uncertainty only about the other child’s gender.

What is the Two-Child Problem?

The Two-Child Problem is a statistical paradox centered on the probability of having two boys in a two-child family when at least one child is a boy. The question’s ambiguity leads to two possible answers: 1/3 and 1/2.

A: The probability in Bertrand’s paradox is not precisely defined without specifying the chord sampling method. The original question, regarding the probability of a random chord being longer than the triangle’s side, requires additional details for a definitive answer.